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Mental health and counseling blogs to help you keep learning and growing outside of sessions.


A Move Forward Counseling blog is intended to support you in achieving and maintaining good mental health.  We hope you find our articles, resources, and tips helpful.

The Habit of Self-Criticism

Written by Lilly Knopic, LPC (she/her), MFC Therapist A Mental Habit You Can Practice Today Using ACT and DBT-inspired Perspectives What is change? When we

Navigating Substance Use

Substance Abuse: Navigating the Challenges and Seeking Support Understanding Substance Abuse Substance abuse is a pervasive issue affecting people from all walks of life. It

Moving Beyond The Post Graduation Blues

You’ve graduated—Congrats! You have spent your life working up to this moment. It is an exciting time full of possibilities…and sometimes stress. Much of the

Suicide Loss: You Are Not Alone

Article by Cari Hershman, LPC, and MFC Therapist You Are Not Alone As a person who experienced suicide loss in their lives, I want you

The Quarter-Life Crisis

The Quarter-Life Crisis: Life after College Graduation  Hopes & Expectations  An example of the quarter-life crisis is your hope to graduate from college, expecting to find

Tiered Licensure in Pennsylvania

Tiered Licensure in Pennsylvania In a world where the need for mental health services is at an all-time high, and the supply of licensed mental

Why Healthy Bedtime Routines Matter

Why Healthy Bedtime Routines Matter:  Ideas For Your Bedtime Routine  It Really is a Big Deal  Good quality and sufficient sleep are crucial to your



  Mindfulness An Article by Lilly Knopic, LPC, NCC In my living room, the lamp is in the furthest corner from the exit. When it

Infertility Article

Infertility: Struggling in Silence

Infertility: Struggling in Silence An Editorial Article by Erica Roland, LPC Expectations & Infertility Many women grow up with expectations of building a family when

Emotions in Men and OCD

Emotions in Men and OCD

Emotions in Men and OCD An Editorial Article by Matthew Kornacki, LPC, NCC Throughout my time in the mental health field, I have had consumers

Tips for not sweating the small stuff.

Tips for Not Sweating the Small Stuff

Tips for Not Sweating the Small Stuff We have all heard the phrase before, “don’t cry over spilled milk.” But, just because we have listened

Work after Maternity Leave

Work after Maternity Leave Transitioning Back to Work after Maternity Leave My Story For nine months, while expecting my first child, my thoughts were primarily

Resources for Managing Holiday Depression

Resources for Managing Holiday Depression Move Forward Counseling has compiled four links to articles on managing holiday depression and the internal and external factors that

Managing Depression during the Holidays

Managing Depression during the Holidays The holidays are upon us. Chances are you will soon be knee-deep in wrapping paper, lists, bills, cards, party invitations…and

Coping Skills for New Mothers

Coping Skills For New Mothers How to plan coping skills for new and expecting mothers. We’ve all heard the comments before: “Just wait until you

Women Culture and Depression

Women, Culture and Depression An Opinion Blog by Darleen Oliver, LPC, CAADC We live in a society where, despite all the advancements in advocating for

Mental Health Therapy since 2015

Mental Health Therapy since 2015 How has mental health therapy changed over the past seven years? Written by MFC CEO and Therapist, Alison Pidgeon, LPC

Healing from Collective Trauma

Collective Trauma: How do we heal from it? Navigating day-to-day life can be overwhelming. What happens when we compound our everyday stressors with a pandemic,

Why do I get depressed at night

Depression at Night

Depression at Night Why do I get depressed at night? Featuring a Newsweek Article While sadness is a common emotion we all experience from time

Sign Petitions asking Legislators to support increased Mental Health Funding

Petitions on Mental Health Funding

Petitions on Mental Health Funding Move Forward Counseling, LLC supports these petitions to ask Legislators to support increased mental health funding.  Signing is quick and easy,

Mindful Meditation

Mindful meditation can improve both mental and physical health. Mindful meditation is a popular meditation technique that often contains two simple parts:  attention and acceptance.

Healthy Habits for a Happier You

Healthy Habits for a Happier You

Healthy Habits for a Happier You Happiness is often thought of as something that comes to you. Many people sit around waiting for happiness to

10 Ways to Stress Less

10 Ways to Stress Less

Stress refers to your body’s response to a challenge or demand. There are good types of stress and bad. For example, excitement about an upcoming

Tools for Self-Acceptance as an LGBTQ+

Tools for Self-Acceptance as an LGBTQ+

It can be difficult to come to terms with your sexual identity. Especially if you identify as a lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, or other.

Is Online Therapy Right For Me

Is Online Therapy Right For Me?

Online therapy has taken off the past couple of years, since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. It has created a whole new world of

Why Online Therapy is Beneficial for Moms

Why Online Therapy is Beneficial for Moms

Being a mom comes with its own set of stressors, anxieties, fears, concerns, joys, and challenges. Every mom could benefit by talking out their troubles. Especially

The Healing Benefits of Kindness optimized

The Healing Benefits of Kindness

World Kindness Day is approaching on November 13 and it got me thinking about all the benefits of being kind — not just to the

Are You Sad or Depressed?

Are You Sad or Depressed?

Everyone has off days. Days where it is hard to get out of bed, nothing looks appealing, it is hard to find joy. You just

How Anxiety Isolates Your Teen in PA

How Anxiety Isolates Your Teen in PA

Anxiety can cause your teen to feel a lot of things — excessive worry, agitated, restless, fatigued, unable to concentrate, irritability, unable to sleep, fearful,

6 Signs You May Have an Anxiety Disorder

6 Signs You May Have an Anxiety Disorder

Everyone has experienced anxiety in some way or another in their lifetime. It can show up in a lot of ways—a quick heartbeat, feeling overwhelmed, paralyzed by

Finding Help for the Depressed Mom

Finding Help for the Depressed Mom

You are mom, dishwasher, cook, maid, taxi driver, school teacher, nurse, superhero, and you are struggling. Being a mom is hard enough, add depression to the mix

Tips for the Overwhelmed Mom

Tips for the Overwhelmed Mom

Feel like burying yourself in your bedsheets? Find yourself bursting into tears? Are you exhausted? Irritable? Anxious? Forgetful? If ever there was a time for

Are You Ready To Take The First Step?

Reach out today to get started. Our supportive staff will help guide you through the scheduling process, discuss special requests and consult your insurance needs.