Resources for Managing Holiday Depression

Resources for Managing Holiday Depression

Move Forward Counseling has compiled four links to articles on managing holiday depression and the internal and external factors that can play a role.  We hope you find something useful for managing your holiday stress.

We wish you and yours a safe holiday season.  We’re available across PA for online counseling should you try therapy now or in the new year.  Write to us at

For many people, the holidays are a time to look forward to. Even with the stresses of meal planning, travel and gift giving, many of us still find it to be a happy time of year. But that isn’t always the case. For some people, the holidays can be a difficult and emotionally exhausting time.

What are the holiday blues?  Feelings of sadness that last throughout the holiday season—especially during the months of November and December—are often referred to as the holiday blues or holiday depression.

When you live with depression – or any chronic illness – it’s best to set realistic goals about celebrations and festivities.

Stress and rich food can alter our microbiota.  Amazingly, over the past decade, we’ve discovered that many of these self-inflicted wounds start in our gut, with billions of tiny microbes. To see how it works, I’ve arranged the major triggers in reverse order of their potential for damage. Eliminating any of these can help, but none are easy to avoid.

If you would like to learn more about managing depression through mental health counseling, write to MFC on our Contact page or at  Our helpful scheduling staff will help match you with a therapist.


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