Our Inside and Outside Environments Affect Our Mental Health
- How Does Your Environment Affect Your Mental Health?
Published by verywellmind (By Sara Lindberg, M.Ed, March 23, 2023)
The environment and mental health and intrinsically connected. The places where you spend a lot of time—home, work, school, and even socially—can significantly impact your mental well-being. In psychology, these are called environmental factors of mental health and are the main focus of study for environmental psychologists. Read the full article.
- Caring for the environment helps to care for your mental health
Published by the UN environment programme (Story, Air, October 10, 2019)
Up until recently, the role that a healthy environment plays in safeguarding human health had been greatly neglected, but this is changing. Little by little, both citizens and government are realizing that by helping nature, we also improve our well-being. Read the full article.
- How your natural environment helps your mind and body
Published by the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA)
Built environments are the human-made places where we live, work, and socialize. Ideally, you will have some control over your home’s setup and design so that you can create spaces to recharge and relax. Read the full article.
- Nurtured by Nature
Published by the American Psychological Association (Written by Kirsten Weir, April 1, 2020)
Our increasing reliance on technology, combined with a global trend toward urban living, means many of us are spending ever less time outdoors—even as scientists compile evidence of the value of getting out into the natural world. Read the full article.