How Online Therapy Can Help You Overcome Social Anxiety

How Online Therapy Can Help You Overcome Social Anxiety

Do you constantly fear other people’s attention? Do you frequently feel watched or judged when in social situations? Do you feel afraid that you will embarrass yourself? Do you often avoid social situations because you feel shy or nervous? You may have social anxiety.

We all have moments of shyness, embarrassment, or nervousness in social situations at some point in our lives. It is when it becomes more frequent or stops you from attending events or visiting with friends that it can be concerning.

People with social anxiety often will do anything they can to avoid putting themselves in an uncomfortable situation. Sometimes just the thought of a social event can cause tightness in the chest, pounding of the heart, blushing, or dizziness. Social anxiety can have a large impact on a person’s life. It can cause problems in relationships and cause a person to miss out on work opportunities or significant events with friends or family.

If you think you may be struggling with social anxiety, online therapy can help. Here are some ways online therapy can help you overcome your social anxiety:


1.) You Don’t Have to Leave Your Space


A socially anxious person who wants to receive help may find they get nervous when making that initial appointment for therapy, if they even do it on their own. Often a socially anxious person will enlist the help of a friend or family member to schedule an appointment for them. The idea of actually entering the office and speaking to a therapist can be even more daunting for the socially anxious. Online therapy can help with that initial nervousness.

Online therapy can be done from the comfort of your own home. It can be done in any space that is quiet and has a working internet connection — even if that means a parked car in your driveway or the corner of a closet in your home. You choose the location and join the call with your therapist.


2.) Online Therapy Can Give You Tools 

Working with an online therapist can help to give you tools to overcome your social anxiety so that you can attend events and engage in conversations with ease. Using various types of therapy, most commonly Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, your counselor and you will help to alter the way you think and approach social events. Together you will identify what is making you fearful, anxious, embarrassed about social situations and change those thought patterns.


3.) Online Therapy Saves Time

If you are already an anxious person with much on your to-do list, the idea of creating time to work with a counselor or therapist might feel overwhelming. The beauty of online therapy is it makes it easier to fit into your schedule. You don’t have to worry about commuting from one location to another or finding a sitter or extended time off of work to meet with a therapist, instead, you can do it from the comfort of your home, desk, or wherever you need.


4.) Online Therapy Increases Comfort-Level 

A socially anxious person may need to start with baby steps. Are you worried about making eye contact with your therapist? Concerned about where to put your hands or how to sit in a therapy session? Worried about what you will wear or how you look when going into a session? What if you cry or get upset? All of these are valid concerns for someone who is seeking help for social anxiety. Online therapy can help to ease you into the therapy world. You control the environment where your session is held. You can have something of comfort nearby to help you through your meeting. You can choose to look at the corner of the screen instead of making eye contact. Whatever it is that can help you take the steps towards getting the help you need.


Help is Available

Social anxiety doesn’t have to rule your world. You can learn ways to cope with your anxious feelings and live your life. You can find comfort and safety within you. We can help. At Move Forward we assist clients from across the state of Pennsylvania with their mental health needs.

Ready to begin counseling in Pennsylvania? 

Our professionally-trained and licensed counselors have openings. Just call our office at 717-462-7003×1 and speak to our administrative assistant. Get started to feeling better today. You can get the tailored help you need right now. We are here for you.


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