Why Should Busy Teens Choose Online Therapy in Pennsylvania?

Online Therapy for Teens in Pennsylvania

Online therapy might be a perfect choice for Pennsylvania teenagers in need of some extra guidance and support. For many teenagers, the idea of sitting in a therapist’s office talking face-to-face with a counselor isn’t particularly enticing. Let’s be honest, teenagers nowadays are much more comfortable in front of a phone, computer, or tablet.

No parent wants to argue with their child about attending therapy. By doing sessions online from the comfort of their bedrooms (or any quiet space) your teen may be more willing.

What are some other reasons busy teens should choose online therapy in PA?

1.) Teens are comfortable with the internet

Teens have been using the internet since they were children. They are comfortable with how to use it and not as nervous when it comes to technical issues. Online therapy is meeting your teen where they are, in their space, so to speak. And, the more comfortable they are during sessions, the more they will be willing to share and be accepting of treatment. 

2.) Online therapy is flexible

Teenagers nowadays are busier than ever before. From advanced school courses to sports and other extracurriculars that are packed into their days, it is hard to find time for much else. But, many teens struggle with various mental health conditions, such as anxiety and depression, and they could greatly benefit from therapy. Attending counseling online makes it easier for them to get the help they need. It can be done anywhere there is an internet connection. 

online therapy in PA

3.) Online therapy is more accessible 

Logistically it can be hard, especially with a family of multiple children, to figure out how to get your teen to therapy. Parents nowadays feel like they are being pulled in multiple directions at all times. Online therapy is more accessible than in-person sessions. No need to worry about how your teen is going to get to his/her/their appointment. And, there is no travel time to factor in (well, except for the time it takes to get to a quiet space). 

4.) Online therapy cuts down on stigma 

Many teens are afraid of what will happen if their peers find out they are in therapy. They may be embarrassed or worried about their reputation. Attending sessions online cuts down on the chance that others will find out, making your teen feel a little more comfortable.  

5.) Online therapy is proven to treat anxiety and depression 

Online therapy can be an effective tool for treating anxiety and depression, and there is research to back it up. The American Psychological Association reports that remote mental health care can be just as effective as in-person care. The main thing is your teen has to be open to receiving therapy. 

6.) Online therapy is safe 

COVID-19 is a big concern right now for everyone. Online therapy can be done from the safety of a home or parked car. You don’t need to worry about your teen coming into contact with someone who is sick. 

7.) Online therapy gives your teen healthy tools

online therapy tools

Teens who do not get help for their mental health conditions often turn to unhealthy coping tools like substances, food, self-harming, among other things. In counseling, your teen will learn how to cope with unpleasant feelings and situations in healthy ways. They will be taught lifelong tools and be more equipped to handle anything that comes their way.

8.) Many insurances offer coverage

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, many insurance companies have expanded coverage to include online counseling and telehealth services. If you have questions about your insurance coverage, contact your insurance company for details.

If your teens want to feel better, counselors at Move Forward are confident they can help. We see teens from across the state of Pennsylvania including Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Williamsport, Lancaster, and Harrisburg for a variety of concerns. 

Ready to begin counseling in Pennsylvania? 

Our professionally-trained and licensed counselors have openings. Just call our office at 717-462-7003×1 and speak to our administrative assistant to get your teen started to feeling better. We are here to help.


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